5 reasons I love working for myself
I am a big believer that working for yourself has the power to change your life.
I have been doing some form of creative work for over 10 years, and since that time I have made my own, learned how to manage myself, and have slowly begun to understand how the world actually works. Working for myself has also helped me find my community of people, make new friends, and improve myself in ways I otherwise never would have. I recommend everyone try it at some point. I know there never seems to be a perfect time so I recommend you just start.
And I have 5 specific reasons why:
Reason #1: I am making my own money, making money for yourself is, in my opinion, more difficult to do than working for someone else. But why spend years and countless hours making their dreams come true? You should be using that time to make what you want happen.
Reason #2: I have learned how to better manage my time, and this is so critical because you can learn a lot about yourself when left to your own devices. If you’ve ever been laid off or unemployed for a long stretch of time I’m sure you’ve had days where you binged on snacks and watched hours of tv. It all falls on you when no one is around to tell you what to do. It can be a challenge to overcome bad habits when it’s left to us.
Reason #3: I have learned how to manage my money and run a business, our economy is built around business, and learning to leverage those tools available is a crucial life unlock. Taxes, LLCs vs. S-Corps, Payroll, Business bank accounts, and bookkeeping can be easily overwhelming. One thing you learn is if you have a successful business you can be your own bank. It’s an asset you can use to leverage when you need it. You can even use business funds to invest in the stock market or write off a G-Wagon. The fact is that the USA runs on business credit and we should learn how to leverage it.
Reason #4: I have freedom and flexibility in my days, this was the most important thing to me. I’d be happier making less (a lot less) if it allows me the freedom to control my day and the amount of time I spend on specific tasks. I can go grocery shopping or play with my dogs or go to the gym in the middle of the day and it’s the best feeling. I can’t tell you how horrible it felt sitting at a desk from 9-5 (not to mention the time you spend getting ready and commuting every day) only to complete a few hours of creative work and sit around mindlessly attending meetings the rest of the time. It’s sad that you can’t leave when you finish your work.
Reason #5: I have learned how much more fulfilling working for yourself can be, being in charge means you get to decide what you work on. What clients do you pursue and the image do you put out there? What’s funny is I’ve learned the same exact task I’ve done working for someone else is so much easier on my soul when I’m working for myself.
If you thinking about working for yourself, let me know—I'd love to connect with you (and answer any questions you have getting started!).
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